Friday, January 18, 2008

Companies, Profit & Hard Work

Recently there was a discussion (or rather lecture) in office about working hours and the importance of being flexible with regard to "hard work" since apparently all private companies consider profit and ONLY profit as important...

This got me thinking... Is that true? Or is it just a justification for the suck up workoholic attitude of the person who was jabbering on and on...

I don't think that all private companies work only for profit... Employee loyalty, I believe, is also at least a small consideration of big shots in private companies. After all, if all the employees left, the companies couldn't operate at all, forget about the big big profits!!! Yeah, the company could employ new people, but at what cost? They couldn't possibly replace all the experience that they lost... Even big shots have a conscience (as well as common sense!!!). Surely they can understand that an employee can be considered a hard worker even if he feels that he is entitled to free week-ends and mercentile holidays?!!! I mean, come on!!!

For me, hard work and commitment is doing a job that's given to you well, and trying to help others out and excel at whatever you do... Working late and on week-ends and holidays is fine as long as it's not an exception to take a week-end (or holiday) off!!!

Employees are people too. They have feelings, personal lives and goals that are not work-related. Any company that totally disregards these aspects of employees and focuses on profit will not be able to succeed in the long term until it changes its priorities. This is applicable to Managers and heads as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

BS, just stick to reviewing Harry Potter, 'cause that's all you are good at.